And then this would be the ugly knitting photo of the day...
Blech. This is the GC Cowl (raveled here) which is still a pattern I like but not in this yarn. The yarn is Katia Nepal which is still a yarn I like but not in this pattern. Jess at Fig and Plum just made one of these and it's beautiful. But mine came out way too long and floppy and curly and it just doesn't really work. I wanted a cowl that is a little closer to my chin and higher, this one hangs down kind of like a scarf. Oh well, it's my first time making a cowl so go figure. I'm going to frog it and probably try another cowl pattern. I think one that's knit side to side rather than up. I think I'd like the stripes better running the other way and it will help the length/droopiness issue. I'm not going to re-knit it again right away, but I will eventually. I still really like the colors and the yarn is squishy and soft, it doesn't deserve to live in the stash unused.
awwwwwww! kitty!
sorry about the cowl, it happens to the best of us. i wish more knitters blogged their OH NO! moments.
Aww, Ella! It looks like you got a nice surprise in the mail! :b
Agree that the yarn/pattern isn't working harmoniously. Hope you can find something that works.
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