Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year!

A new year has begun. For the new year a new blog look! The product of much lip biting and and several do-overs I was hoping to make the blog look a little lighter, a little friendlier and more colorful. A color other than pink that is... While I think a new year is a good thing I'm not much of a resolver. I listen to a public jazz station out of Newark at work and one of the dj's I really like was saying that he would not make resolutions but that he had "a few things on the board." And I guess I could say that, I have a few things on the board. Knitting-wise they would definitely be

1. I'm still committed to being more ready for the holidays next year with more knitted gifts for people. I'm trying to make specifics plans of what to give to who and next weekend plan on going to the local lys to try to start to make things happen. Ask me where I'm at in July with this one.

2. Try lace knitting. Again. Yes, my previous attempt may have ended in a flurry of naughty swears and a very pretty ball of laceweight flying through the air but try, try again. There are just too, too many gorgeous patterns (birch, kiri, etc.) taunting me. I have to get in on that, I will weather the swears to make this happen.

3. Try socks on circular needles. This I think will be easier than #2. I'm doing pretty good at the socks lately, they seem to be going pretty quick on the clover toothpicks, I think circulars will be really cool.

4. Be a better blogger. Better photos, better stories, better something. Just better.

On a completely separate note I just wanted to mention I have a link in my sidebar to a podcast called Cast-On hosted by Brenda Dayne. While I do not have an ipod this podcast is definitely my new addiction. Brenda is witty and entertaining and educated and interesting. She plays pod-safe music on her show which I think is really cool in and of itself. These are unsigned artists, putting their music out there for the love of it. And you can just listen to the podcast on your computer just by clicking the link on the website like I do. When the main tv is monopolized by football or some dumb war show or when there's just nothing on the 8 gazillion channels we have (which is 99% of the time) it is just heaven to sit and knit and listen to this show. I know it sounds bizarre, I know my family is concerned about my knitting addiction ("Now she's making up something about a knitting talk radio show???" It's just so sad to see her going on like this...") But I swear it's true and it really exists and if you have the tiniest knitting bone in your body, please check it out, it is really, really just a very cool thing!


EK said...

I like the new look. Sounds like you've got some good goals to work toward.

Tracy said...

I will take a picture of you licking up chocolate, it's good times, trust me on this!